Capablade Fusion is a turnkey solution for combined blade tip clearance (BTC) and blade tip timing (BTI) testing and monitoring.
Capacitive Sensors
Fogale nanotech develops, manufactures and markets capacitive sensors for a broad range of applications. For turbomachinery blade tip monitoring and static measurements, Fogale offers a full line of standard and customized sensors, applicable from low to high temperature.
Capablade Fusion Rack with MC 925 modules
In a 19" rack, the Capablade Fusion embeds up to 12 conditioning modules MC925 for capacitive sensors, the acquisition and processing server and the local storage of the recorded measurements. The dedicated software installed on distant remote station allows configuration, high-speed acquisition and monitoring in real-time of all sensors and all blades in BTC and BTT. An offline viewer completes the software suite with advance data-processing and analysis.
The Capablade software suite is the ultimate solution for configuration, real-time monitoring and advance post processing for BTC and BTT measurements.

The Capablade Fusion is a turnkey solution for combined BTC and BTI testing and monitoring. In a 19” rack, the Capablade Fusion embeds up to 12 conditioning modules MC925 for capacitive sensors, the acquisition and processing server and the local storage of the recorded measurements. The dedicated software installed on distant remote station allows configuration, high-speed acquisition and monitoring in real-time of all sensors and all blades in BTC and BTT. An offline viewer completes the software suite with advance data-processing and analysis.
Real time measurements
- Realtime monitoring ofclearance variation under thermal and Centrifugal effects.
- Shaft orbiting tracking and relative casing deformations detection.
- Alarms and automatic data logging triggering under specified input conditions
- Asynchronous vibrations characterization.
- Data display and file exports.
- Axial and radial displacement measurement through specially arranged shaft instrumentation
Fogale offers a line of standard and customized sensors from low and medium temperatures for static and dynamic measurements. High temperature sensors, up to 1300°C (2372°F) without cooling, are specifically designed and qualified for turbine harsh environment applications.

① MCC12 P-A-E14 triaxial capacitive sensor
- Temperature range of operation: from 0° C to 200° C,
- Pressure range of operation: from atmospheric pressure to 180bar
- Temperature range of operation: from 0° C to 900° C gas temperature
- Temperature range of operation: from 0° C to 1300°C gas temperature
- Temperature range of operation: from 0°C to 80°C
- Special design for fan blade applications
- Temperature range of operation: from 0°C to 900°C gas tempe「ature,
- Special design for turbocharger applications.

The MC925 electronic module can cope with any kind of coaxial and triaxial sensor with cables up to 30m long. A unique electronic compensation method allows sensor and cable to perform with temperatures up to 1300°C (2372° F). The easy static calibration mode and the smart functions for automatic sensor and cable adaptation makes the MC925 the best plug & play electronic for BTC and BTI measurements with a very low noise level.