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Radio Telemetry

Radio Telemetry

Manner Radio Telemetry
Mananer Sensortelemetrie specializes in non-contact sensor digital data transmission for industrial applications. It offers solutions for problems related to non-contact, bi-directional sensor data transmission involving rotating or moving parts.

What is telemetry
Telemetry is the non-contact bi-directional transmission between a moving part (especially a shaft) and a stationary point via a modem, with simultaneous energy transmission.

Benefits of Telemetry
Due to the special patented transmission technique of absorption modulation, our systems can be used under the highest EMC load. Even if they are installed in GTO-controlled large-sized motors with a power of 50 Megawatt or more, there is no interference in the signals.

Major Parts of Telemetry System
MANNER's Telemetry System consists of the following parts:

1. Sensor Signal Amplifier
2. Multi-Channel Techniques
3. Sensor
4. Various Transmission Possibilities
5. Evaluation Units and Interfaces
6. RMC Technology
7. Sensortelemetry with Radio Transmission


Manner's Telemetry Systems have been successfully applied in the following areas:

- Automobile Drive Trains
- Automobile Engines
- Aviation Rotor Test Stands, Turbines
- Navigation, Geological Bores
- Industrial Applications
- Applications with Explosion-Protection Requirements
- Railroad
- Windenergy


Torquemeters Are also Available with MANNER Based on Sensor Telemetry Technology

High Speed Torquemeters Based on SensorTelemetry

- Racingformula1
- Gasturbines
- Helicopter Test Rigs
- Jet Turbines
Technical Parameters: 
- Range:200,500,1000,2000,3000 Nm
- Speed:0 to 45000 rpm

High Speed Torque Meter (miniaturised)

- Testrigs
- Load Monitoring
- Nutrunners
Technical Parameters: 
- Range: 1,5,10,20,50 Nm
- Speed: 0 to 30000,(100000)rpm)
What is Telemetry

Telemetry is the non-contact bi-directional transmission between a moving part (especially a shaft) and a stationary point via a modem, with simultaneous energy transmission.

Mananer Sensortelemetrie specializes in non-contact sensor digital data transmission for industrial applications. It offers solutions for problems related to non-contact, bi-directional sensor data transmission involving rotating or moving parts.
For such solutions, we develop, manufacture and supply the following:
- Single and multiple-channel telemetry systems with the highest sample rates (>400 k Sample) and a modular design
- Customized telemetry systems for customer-specific applications
- Customized rotating torque transducers for test stand and industrial applications
- OEM-based, low cost torque transducers
- Low-cost, customized transmission systems for series production
Advantages of MANNER Systems

Due to the special patented transmission technique of absorption modulation, our systems can be used under the highest EMC load. Even if they are installed in GTO-controlled large-sized motors with a power of 50 Megawatt or more, there is no interference in the signals. 

The consistent monitoring of signal transmission allows you to achieve a high degree of reliability: incorrect assembly of antennas, faulty sensors, insufficient energy supply or defective cables are detected immediately and displayed.

MANNER systems were developed for use under the toughest ambient conditions and are characterized by sturdy solder pins, casing (which ensures oil-tightness) and extreme acceleration stability (up to 120,000 g). They can be supplied according to the requirements of the IP67 protection class.

Technological features at a glance:
- Temperature-stable rotor electronics (sensor signal amplifier) up to an ambient temperature of 180°c.
- Miniature rotor electronics with very small dimensions (7 x 25 x 6 mm) and low weight (2 g)
- Extremely high interference immunity due to the use of the patented sensortelemetry technique.
- Acceleration stability up to 120,000 g and speed stability up to 100,000 rev./min
- RMC technology (remote-controlled online conditioning of measuring amplifiers, amplification and zero point with 16 bit resolution), autozero in the rotor
- Frequency modulated (FM) and pulse-code modulated (PCM) transmission technique
- Digitization in the rotor
- Highest sample rate of up to 400 kSample/channel (simultaneous transmission of 52 measuring channels)
- With Flex technology, the sensor signal amplifier can have any geometrical shape and can therefore be installed even if the installation space is not ideal.
A Telemetry System Consists of the Follwing Major Parts
  A Telemetry System Consists of the Following Major Parts: 

The quality of the measurement data acquisition depends on the sensor signal amplifier of a sensortelemetry system.
In this context, the following characteristics play an important role:
-  Size
-  Weight
-  Stability with regard to ambient conditions (oil, water, etc.)
-  Acceleration stability
-  Robustness
-  Temperature stability
-  Drift characteristics
-  Measuring accuracy and resolution
Standard Models
Due to the different shapes and sizes of the housing, it can be adapted to most applications. Thanks to the use of sturdy solder pins, a reliable connection
to the sensors is ensured even under severe ambient conditions.

Miniature models
Space requirement is a deciding factor for the use of telemetry. That is why Manner started focusing on the development of miniature sensor signal amplifiers at a very early stage.
As a result of our consistent miniaturization efforts, today we can provide single channel sensor signal amplifiers with a size of only 7 x 25 x 6 mm and a weight of 2 g!

Flex technology
Thanks to a specially developed flex substrate (installation height <2.5 mm), the sensor signal amplifier is flexible and can be wound around the shaft and then encapsulated.
The smallest bending radius is 8 mm. This technology opens the door to previously unimaginable applications involving input shafts, toothed wheels, universal shaft transmitters,
injection pumps etc.

Although the time-tested analog technique with FM modulation is still used, today we mainly use digital transmission techniques for inductive as well as radio transmission.

This offers the following advantages
 High resolution of the measuring signals (16 bit)
 Minimum temperature drift < 0.002 %/°C in the measuring range 1 mV/V
 High temperature stability up to an ambient temperature of 180°C
 High transmission speed under EMC conditions
 Additional increase in transmission safety through CRC (checksum) data storage
 No cross-talk with multi-channel technology
 High data rates and number of channels (200 kSample/sec/channel) with simultaneous use of 48 channels
• FM or digital technology
• High resolution (max. 16 bit)
• Simultaneous transmission of up to 100 measuring channels (sample rate of 200 kSample/channel/sec)
• Sample rates up to 400 kSample/channel/sec
• Max. total data rate 200 Mbit/sec
• Externally synchronized sampling
• No cross-talk due to digital multiplexing
• Separate supply voltage for individual sensors
• Optional scanner operation - up to 1000 measuring channels
• High temperature stability up to 180°C
• Acceleration stability up to 100,000 g
• Integrated data storage CRC
• Remote conditioning of measuring ranges
• Modular design (distributed arrangement, bus technology)

A major advantage of MANNER sensortelemetry systems is that they are equipped with highquality sensor signal amplifiers. With these amplifiers, even the smallest sensor signals in microvolt range (0.05 mV/V) can be processed correctly. With regard to amplification and zero point, the input measuring amplifiers can be almost freely conditioned electronically you do not need additional pre-amplifiers.

All sensor cells without integrated measuring amplifier available in the market can be directly switched on. This saves power in the rotating system and, therefore, reduces costs.

All standard sensor signal amplifiers can directly process all strain gage bridge models or sensors with voltage or current output as well as PT100 and thermocouples. For ICP, piezo-electric, µ-[1]-, and LVDT sensors, special speed and temperature stable input modules are available which are usually integrated in the sensor signal amplifier.

Naturally, supply to active sensors is also taken care of via sensortelemetry.

Since sensortelemetry offers various ways of signal transmission, it is possible to find solutions for even the most difficult installation conditions in units.

Since telemetry normally constitutes only a part of the entire measurement recording system, it is very important to integrate it seamlessly.

Our systems are equipped as standard with the following features:
• Analog voltage interface (0 to ±10 V or 0 to ±5 V), or with a 0(4) to 20 mA current interface
• With FM systems, optionally with a 10 kHz ±5 kHz frequency interface, TLL level
With digital telemetry systems, it doesn’t make sense to convert digital telemetry values into analog values and then re-convert them into digital values again in the measuring system.
This is why digital interfaces are becoming more and more important.

The following interfaces are available:
• USB serial interface
• CAN serial interface
• RS232 serial interface
• High-speed 16-bit parallel interface (max. 30 Mbyte/sec)

Plug-in Card for MGC
For single channel systems, a plug-in card is available for the Hottinger MGC. It allows you to directly connect telemetry channels to Hottinger detection systems.

MANNER Sensortelemetrie was the first to introduce remote-controlled measuring range selection, which is available for both single and multiple channel systems. Due to consistent further development, today it is possible to set digital systems with 16 bit resolution, zero point and amplification almost infinitely on the sensor signal amplifier. In other words, the entire adjustment is performed online in the rotor on the input amplifier. The setting range for sensitivity is between 0.05 mV/V and 20 mV/V and for zero point between 0 and 2.5 mV/V. Data transmission occurs via the bi-directional telemetry line.

Significant advantages:
• Short commissioning times
• No solder resistors
• Infinite measuring range selection and zero point adjustment online during the measurement without mechanical access to the rotor
• With a standardized output signal at the sensor signal amplifier, various sensor signal amplifiers can be operated with an evaluation unit without loss of calibration.
• Error-free measurement through direct input of the physical parameter (torque, force...)
• Electronic 
amplifier detection with serial number identification

RMC-Technology - (not only) a matter of comfort
In many cases, the expected signal values can be estimated only to a limited extent. For example, installation in a gear involves a lot of assembly work and high test stand costs. Without the RMC function, an incorrectly selected measuring range means the gear and the sealed amplifier must be opened again, the rotor electronics must be readjusted - a task requiring a lot of effort - and then the units must be assembled again.

How does the RMC technique work?
The sensor signal amplifier has a programmable amplifier whose input offset and amplification are digitally adjustable. An integrated processor supplies the necessary data to the amplifier and decodes the data transmitted via the telemetry line. This data is saved in a permanent storage and is therefore immediately available even if there is a power failure or if commissioning must be performed again. The conditioning data is stored in the sensor signal amplifier until new data is entered; the new data is generated at the stationary end. With a program, the measuring range and the zero point (in mV/V) can be set in a userfriendly manner via a PDA or laptop. Display of the current measured values and automatic zero point setting are standard features..

Adjustment in the rotor with RMC technology
In order to optimize accuracy and resolution, it is necessary to use the entire control range of the telemetry channel. This is possible only with optimized adjustment of the measuring range and the zero point. Since the sensor signal values at trial parts vary to a large extent (20 µV to 100 mV), the conventional method of adjusting the amplification and the zero point with resistors is extremely time-consuming, especially in case of small signals. Another problem is the speed-stable installation of resistors.

RMC technology in half shafts
Due to the rough testing conditions, half shafts in passenger cars must be enclosed, which is a very complex task. In the course of production, calibration is the last step. With RMC technology, settings for enclosed shafts can be performed during the calibration process. Incorrect calculations of balancing resistances are a thing of the past; later corrections can be performed without opening the enclosure. A zero point offset caused due to plastic deformation of the shaft during a start-off maneuver can also be easily corrected.

Multi-channel system and RMC technology
With a 25-channel sensor signal amplifier, every channel must be separately adjusted. Due to the frequent demand for compact design and the large number of connected sensor wires, soldering of measuring range and zero point resistors is a real challenge. Even if only one channel has to be changed, this usually necessitates a time-consuming re-instrumentation, which is further complicated by the speed-stable enclosure. You don’t have these problems with RMC technology since every channel can be conditioned at any time - even during the measurement - from the laptop.

For certain applications, it is advantageous to use sensortelemetry with radio transmission since this does not require the use of a rotor induction loop (system supply with a battery) and the receiving antenna can be shifted by up to 50 m, depending on the requirements. Another advantage is that the unit can be mounted quickly.

Preferred applications:
• Short-term measurements in the test range (< 1 day)
• Wheel measurements on the vehicle with the goal of avoiding disturbing supply lines
• Measurements on large shafts (< 1 m; cement mills, wind power mills)
• Shafts with large movements under load (> 50 mm; train drives)
• Force measurement at conveyor chains

How does sensortelemetry with radio transmission work?
Whereas inductive sensortelemetry works with an inductive interface, sensortelemetry with radio transmission works with a radio interface. The time-tested PCM technique, which is characterized by the highest interference immunity, is used as the modulation technique. The transmission is purely digital (PCM technology) with 12 or 16 bit resolution. The highly accurate measuring amplifier cells are identical to inductive systems; handling, measurement accuracy and adjustment of the sensor signal amplifier are as usual. RMC technology (programmable measuring range setting) is also available. MANNER sensortelemetry with radio transmission was specially developed for severe condition use in measurements with demanding ambient conditions.

Radio interferences?
A radio transmission line is susceptible to interferences, multiple-path reception, fading, EMC and location-dependent signal zeroizing. With the special MANNER data transmission safety protocol (CRC), transmission errors are detected and suppressed 100 % so that it is not necessary to correct the measured values later.

Antenna diversity
Due to the use of 2 receivers with antennas at various locations and a downstream diversity combiner, the reception in a high interference environment can be improved by a factor of up to 1000. The diversity combiner selects the error-free data signal from the two receiver signals. Especially in case of large shafts with rotation angle dependent shading, interferences, multi-path reception and fading, the measurement signal transmission can take place with almost no loss of data.

Sensortelemetry with radio transmission is particularly advantageous for short-term measurement on rolling roads, rotary furnaces and cement mills. Unlike conventional radio technology, antenna diversity ensures that there is neither any disturbance nor loss of data even in case of shading and fading.

Radio LAN technology
With radio LAN technology, measurement signals of locally distributed sensor signal amplifiers (e.g. vehicle with 4 test rims) can be detected with one receiver and digitally transferred to the measurement recording system via CAN. All LAN sensor signal amplifiers

Telemetry Applications
Manner‘s telemetry systems have been used in many areas.
Today, sensortelemetry has become an indispensable tool for automobile developers in order to design and optimize the drive train.
- Flexible stator antenna, particularly for prop and half shafts; any shape is possible, not sensitive to approach towards the vehicle frame
  or gaging due to integrated shielding and automatic balancing.
- Torque measurement in prop and half shafts with strain gage measuring bridge, sensor signal amplifier and rotor induction loop with radially 
   inductive transmission encapsulated for operation under the toughest conditions (IP67).
- Divisible inductive transmitters with integrated sensor signal amplifier in prop and half shafts for simple assembly.
- Wheel torque transducers for the most demanding requirements, based on sensortelemetry with radio transmission with integrated
  overload protection
- Wheel telemetry Single/multi-channel radio transmitter for temperature measurement of brake disks or torque measurement in half shafts
- Torque measurement at input shaft (gear input). Special feature: no weakening of the shaft. The installation height of the electronic system
   is only 2.5 mm
- Highly precise measurement of the dynamic torque between the engine and the gear via modified flexplate with 0.1% accuracy.
  Temperature range -30 to 160°C
- Temperature measurement at the multi-disk clutch in the automatic gearbox.
- Universal shaft transmitter for prop shaft with integrated sensor signal amplifier (splash water resistant).
- Divisible universal shaft transmitters with integrated sensor signal amplifier and speed measurement
  (characterized by quick installation, particularly for examination of third party vehicles).

Plug and Play                                          Universal Shafts                              Divisable Transmitter            Universal Shaft Transmitter    

Input Shaft

At the heart of every vehicle is the engine. With continuous optimization of the engine modules with the help of sensortelemetry,
we were able to considerably increase the power density and the efficiency over the past years.
- Loggtel Multi-channel dynamic measurement of the forces on the con rod with the help of sensortelemetry. An additional built-in data logger allows
  transmission of all data collected during a piston stroke to be transmitted during the short signal contact time. This makes the application of such
  a complex system very easy since hardly any machining is required for the engine parts.
- Dynamic multi-channel measurement of the acceleration force (g) on the vehicle con rod during different operating states.
- Real time measurement of the contact forces of the highfrequency torsion and bending vibration at the fired racing motor F1.
- With our high temperature technology, today it is possible to measure the temperature at the piston online for all operating states when the engine
  is fired. The measuring amplifiers, which are temperature-stable up to 180°C receive a signal from robust thermocouples. The measured
  temperature values are transmitted once per piston stroke. The transmission elements are extremely compact and can be easily mounted
  on the piston with minimal mechanical modifications.
- Valve telemetry for unfired operation in order to measure the dynamic forces in the shaft during various engine operating states.
- The measurement of dynamic chain forces during circulation in various operating states of the engine provides help in designing
   the chain tensioners and reducing noise and wear. Signal bandwidth 0 to 40 kHz at an ambient temperature of 150°C.
- Torque measurement at crankshaft pulley for determining the energy requirement of the auxiliary units and reaction of the auxiliary units on engine operation.
- Torque measuring shaft for turbo charger (max. 100,000 rev./min)
- 8-channel sensortelemetry with axial coupling, real time measurement of the dynamic bending moment/torque development and axial movement of the con rod.
- Sensortelemetry is indispensable for optimizing the turbo charger (blade vibrations, temperature distribution).
Piston Temp. Measurement     Valve Head Measurement        Airconditioning compressor   Auxilary Unit                         

Chain Telemetry

There are a number of applications in the area of aviation. This does not only apply to tests.​
- A number of test stands for helicopters and components for measuring torques, temperature and other load parameters have been equipped with the help of sensortelemetry.
- Also offered is a mast monitoring system for helicopters which is based on sensortelemetry for series production. Almost every German helicopter has a MANNER system on board. It was possible to achieve this qualification
   only because of the high quality of our products.
- Today, sensortelemetry is an important tool also for Airbus. Sensortelemetry is used for component testing in several Airbus models (A380, A350, A400 etc.). In these applications, a large number of systems are used in a very
   limited space without any interference problems.
- A special highlight is the MANNER turbine telemetry system. Unlike other systems, it works absolutely simultaneously. All measuring points (up to 100 dynamic channels (bandwidth 5 to 50 kHz) and up to 300 temperature
   measuring channels) are covered simultaneously - a significant advantage compared to the multiplex technique.

Motor telemetry 48 dynamic measuring channels 5 to 50 kHz. 
 Test stand for helicopters with the MANNER torque measuring technology
Torque measurement on the main rotor mast of helicopters

Today, it has become indispensable to measure the mechanical power at the propeller shaft. This measurement not only indicates the power, but is also used for optimizing efficiency and for monitoring purposes. In this process, torque is measured with a strain gage and transmitted in a maintenance-free manner via sensortelemetry.

In the area of drilling technology, too, sensortelemetry is used under the roughest conditions (ex) and offers significant advantages for online measurement of the drilling moment, the feed force and the deflection forces which act during drilling. Even the high continuous temperatures of 150°C at a depth of 5000 m are no problem.

SCHOTTEL twin propeller STP                   Guided Bore

There are a number of applications in the industry. Wherever mechanical power flows, there are rotating shafts. An increasingly important factor in this context is maintenance-free machine monitoring - a task that can be dealt with in the best possible way with Manner Sensortelemetrie sensortelemetry systems.
Typical Applications:
- Torque monitoring
- Early detection of damage of automatic door closures
- Monitoring of the load on gears (estimation of remaining life)
- Rotor temperature monitoring in largesized motors/generators
- Shaft power measurement in turbo compressors
- Nut torque monitoring in robot running spindles

Torque Monitor                    Telemetry measuring flange for test      Roller Control
                                             stand applications with thermocouple
                                             and strain gage

                        Machine Monitoring                       
Automation is becoming more and more common in the chemical and mining sectors too. In this context, a special characteristic is the necessity for explosion-protected components. Sensortelemetry is available according to the Atex standard with the II 2G EEx ib IIC T4 classification for the chemical industry and with the II 3D IP67 T125°C classification for the mining industry.
Typical applications:
- Viscosity measurement
- Agitator monitoring
- Data transmission from high/ low pressure areas
- Polishing devices with inflammable materials
- Feed rate measurement (torque, pressure, temperature)

Test Stand                                      Measuring Flange                           Test Stand                                    Machine Monitoring                      

Machine Monitoring

Due to the increase in speed in the railroad sector, it has become necessary to optimize a large number of components. Here, too, sensortelemetry provides dynamic load data at the shafts in real time during travel. The load scenarios are simulated at test stands.
Brake test stand - test stand                                                              Power Measurement                     Power Measurement
for train brakes with sensortelemetry  

With its single and multi-channel systems, sensortelemetry is an indispensable tool for optimization and continuous monitoring of wind power plants.
High Speed Torquemeters Based on Sensor Telemetry

- Racingformula1
- Gasturbines
- Helicopter Test Rigs
- Jet Turbines

Technical Data: 
- Range:200,500,1000,2000,3000Nm Speed:0 to 45000rpm
- Linearity(incl.hysterese):0.1%
- Temperaturedrift:0.03%/10K
- Axial Length:56mm
- Max.staticbbreaking load:400%
- Stiffness: 0,02degree(norminal)
- Admissible Longitudinal Force:7,5N/Nm(nominal)
- Protectiontype:IP65
- Signal Bandwidth:0 to1kHz(40kHz)
- Temperature Range:-30°C to 85°C (max.140°C)
- No maintainance
- Contactless
- Low Inertia (depending on range)
- RPM Signal (Option)
- Type:MHSP_<range>_<signalbandwidth>_0.1_<temp>
High Speed Torque Meter(miniaturised)

- Testrigs
- Load Monitoring
- Nutrunners
Technical Parameters:
- Range:1,5,10,20,50 Nm
- Speed:0to30000,(100000)rpm)
- Linearity(incl.hysterese):0.2%
- Temperature drift:0.03%/10K
- Lenth:axiallength:85mm
- Nominial diameter:15mm
- Max.static breaking load:400%
- Stiffness:0,02degree (norminal)
- Admissible longitudinal force:7,5N/Nm(nominal)
- Protectiontype:IP65
- Signalbandwidth:0 to1kHz(10kHz)
- Temperaturerange:-40°Ct o 85°C (max.140°C)
- Nomaintainance
- Contactless
- Very low inertia (depending on range)
- RPM signal (Option)
- Type:MMM_<range>_<signalbandwidth>_0.1_<temp>