Deliver the third BHS high speed increasers to the end user
[12-2008] Deliver the third BHS high speed increasers to the end user, speed up to 44,000rpm...
[12-2008] Deliver the third BHS high speed increasers to the end user, speed up to 44,000rpm...
[08-2008] Deliver two sets of BHS high speed increasers to the end user, speed up to 40,000rpm and 60,000rpm...
[ 06-2008] Full support the reconstruction of the related companies destroyed in the big earthquake...
[ 05-2008] Denote for the Sichuan earthquake area...
[ 05-2008] 36 channels slip ring system from Aerodyn pass the acceptance testing in China...
[ 04-2008] Information Department of UTT released the new TechBiz webite: ...
[ 04-2008] Hood Tech Road show in China, promoting NSMS technology...
[ 04-2008] Hood Tech made the Demonstration testing at one institute of Turbine development...
[ 02-2008] Work with HGL Dynamics Ltd to promote the high speed dynamic data acquisition, analysis and Archive system in China...
[ 01-2008] Company Business reach a new peak...
[ 10-2007] Information Department of UTT public the first issue magazine: Suppliers Index of Aerospace Design and Testing , provide the fullest and newest suppliers information for the users in Aerospace Design and Testing area...
[ 05-2007] Cloud Cap Technology USA start to promote its TASE gimbal and Crista IMU system used in UAV...
[ 05-2007] Industry level MetalSCAN products from GasTOPS Canada start to sell in China...
[ 04-2007] Top leaders of UTT visit European suppliers, visit Thermocoax, Fogale Naotech in France, and MA MANNER Sensortelemetrie in Germany....
[ 02-2007] AEI High speed slip ring products enter China market...